Hello! We are Union by Motion,
a collective of audio-visual artists
based in Brussels, Belgium.


Digital artist since 2000, Mike Latona creates scenographies and installations by mixing light and video. He proposes immersive and in situ works thanks to his numerous trips and collaborations. Mike is the creator of the BAM Festival in Liege and has been working for many years with the Mapping Festival in Geneva.

Matthieu BEGHIN

Coming from a musical creation background, Matthieu Beghin studied computer programming and quickly became interested in the possibilities offered by the interaction between musical instruments and computer software, especially for scenography. He specializes in processing/analysis/synthesis of sound, 2D and 3D images. This was followed by 20 years of developing computer software for video, the last 10 as the main developer of MadMapper / MadLaser & MadLight, and a lot of artistic experimentation.


Digital artist since 2000, Mike Latona creates scenographies and installations by mixing light and video. He proposes immersive and in situ works thanks to his numerous trips and collaborations. Mike "BEFORE TIGERS distills the essence and warmth of machines in digital chaos. For the past five years, Laurent Delforge has served up an intoxicating mix of sample-infused hiphop, loose beats and a love of the low end. Recently, he has spent his time working on new A/V performances, as well as fueling his collaboration with Romain Tardy.is the creator of the BAM Festival in Liege and has been working for many years with the Mapping Festival in Geneva.